Healthy Eating Style - Right Food, Right Time

Healthy Eating Style – Right Food, Right Time

Many will have the impression that to slim down, we will only need to control or lower the caloric intake. However, the timing for meal also a key factor in losing weight. Some will skip breakfast in order to cut down the calories intakes. Do you know that the Japanese sumo player will skip breakfast in order to promote the fat deposition in their bodies?

The most important factor in slimming will be caloric intake. Eating regularly can actually make us gain weight especially during holiday seasons when our appetites are easily out of control. Besides cutting down the caloric intake, another way to prevent weight gain will be controlling the meal time. When the energy consumptions of our bodies are at the peak, most of the food intake will be transfer to energy rather than fats.

Some expert has said that the best time to eat is when we feel hungry. This is when our bodies need energy and send out the signal to our brain that we should replenish the nutrition and energy. However, there are also some people who often feel hungry habitually, although their bodies don’t need the nutrition supplement. When they do, they will then eat a whole bunch of high calories food or junk food. This is the reason for obesity.

So, when will be the best time to eat? As we mention before, when the energy consumption of our bodies are at peak, it is the beast time to eat. Most of us aren’t aware, but actually the best timing to eat will be in the morning, our breakfast. After about 8 hours of sleeping, most of the cells in our body have consumed all the energy reserved. This is the time that we need a lot of nutrition to provide energy especially protein because we cannot store protein in our bodies. Most of the protein has been absorbed by nail, skin or hair or used to generate antibodies against the bacteria.

Therefore, as we have our breakfast, most of the food consumed will be used to generate the energy for our cells. Due to the different lifestyle, there is no specific breakfast time. We will just need to take our breakfast one hour after we wake up.

Another best time to eat will be half an hour or 45 minutes after exercise. At this time, the enzyme that burns the food is most active and the hormone that convert the food to fat is been suppressed. Therefore, the possibility of fat deposition at this point is almost zero. The carbohydrate consumed will be used to supplement the glycogen stored in liver because during exercise, the glycogen level will reduce. After exercising, the body will need protein and fats to help the muscle recovery and growth. As all food intakes at this point will be converted to energy to restore the physical strength, most likely none of it will be store as fat in body.

At conclusion, cutting down calories intake by skipping breakfast will actually cause weighting gain rather than losing it. And some think that after exercise, and then hungriness will causes excessive eating. Both of these impressions are wrong. A healthy eating style will be eating the right food at the right time.

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